Removing our soft-tampon - that's how easy it is!
Soft-Tampons look very different to cotton ones. They are bigger, softer and go without a thread. That's why the first question for Soft-Tampon Newcomers: How can I remove a Soft-Tampon?
Good news first:
Although the nevernot Soft-Tampon has no thread, you can't lose it inside your body!
Why? It can't go any higher than your cervix is which is smaller than the head of a pin (unless you're giving birth). If that's the case, you're usually don't need period products any more....
But how do I remove a Soft-Tampon?
With your very hands. Just like a menstrual cup or a cotton tampon, you can easily remove it with your fingers. Practice makes perfect* and master* - and problems regarding removing a Soft-Tampon usually come, if at all, only after intercourse.
Therefore we recommend that you do not use it directly for intercourse for the very first few uses, so that you can get used to removing it.
It's all about the shape! nevernot Soft- Tampons are easier to remove than conventional ones.
Soft-Tampons have been around since the 70's but as far as we know, no other brand has focused on the functionality. The product remained in a round or triangular shape for decades. We don't think it should stay that way and asked ourselves the most important question: How can we make it easier for you to remove Soft -Tampons?
Plenty of different shapes, numerous tests and testers and a few struggling periods later, we were able to find the Soft-Tampon shape which makes a different:
nevernots unique CLOUD shape! The only Soft-Tampon worldwide with this configuration.
What exactly is it that makes them so special and easy to remove? Let's be honest:
If the tampon moves it might happen that it's not so simple to find the retraction tab (almost all Soft-Tampons have it).
Due to our indentations (originally and only from nevernot) you'll be able to grab it without any complications. A turning tampon won't cause any further problem because of our grip.
It also offers you to grasp and remove the Soft-Tampon more easily - no matter in which position it is.
If despite everything you'll experience some difficulties some good old tips from the pros will help.
Athletes as well as sex workers have been using Soft-Tampons since the 70s and if you can trust anybody, then them.
Due to this we're going to tell you a few tricks for removing Soft- Tampons that you probably didn't know yet:
- Don't panic! Always keep in mind that you can't lose a Soft-Tampon inside your body. Your physiology makes it impossible for that to happen. Your head is playing a major role though so if you're tense it's going to be more difficult.
- Squat down! In this position your vaginal canal is shortened and you can remove the soft tampon easily.
- Make it wet! If you're having trouble removing it, water will help. Use the shower head and put it between your legs, the Soft-Tampon will soak itself with water. This makes it bigger and easier to grab.
- Menstrual cup! Many customers tell us that they can easily remove their Soft- Tampons by using a menstrual cup. These cups have a negative pressure as soon as you insert them and it'll release itself as when removed. The tampon is going to lie in the cup.
Pay attention to the shape! As described above only the nevernot Soft-Tampon has the helpful cloud shape which makes it easier for you to remove it by grabbing the grip.
Have fun trying it out!
Your nevernot team