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Widder Saison 2022 - Sextrology, dein erotisches Horoskop

Sextrology, your erotic horoscope – Aries Season

Happy Astrological New Year, dear Sextrology Fans. 

With the beginning of spring, we start the zodiac circle anew. If you were accompanied by hibernation-like states the last weeks, then it all had its right. We needed this rest, the introspection, to be able to discard everything old, which is no longer useful, with a clear conscience and leave it in the old year. In order to be able to start now full of drive true to the Aries energy. Just like nature, which now bursts out of the depths of the earth – facing wind, cold and weather. Let's do the same as the crocuses, which we see standing so bravely on all corners right now: undaunted, no matter what weather conditions surround it, the delicate crocus fights its way out to finally show winter the finger in the most beautiful shades of purple and white. Spring is coming. And that energy comes with Aries in all our plans. Aries is, fittingly, a fire sign and lights it under all our butts. 

The vibe right now is spirited, full of movement and renewal. Aries want to fight. They want to fight for something. Turn yourself into a challenge, but watch out! Don't make it too complicated. Because, if you're too easy, he'll lack the challenge, if it drags on too long, he'll lose interest. Just the right amount! Believe me, finding the right amount is worth it, because with an Aries you can experience ANYTHING. They simply enjoy sex! 

It's easy for them to be persistent, as long as there's a brilliantly explosive moment at the end. They are passionate, sensual, know what they want and how to get what they want. Only partners at eye level qualify. Quiet, tame little mice are not wanted. Dynamically they like to show their dominance, but are never disrespectful. Aries are able to spoil their counterpart from head to toe. At the top of the list this month is, REJECTION!!! After that comes openness to new things and honesty about expressing 'unfulfilled' wants and needs in bed. Everything new makes the March!


With this in mind, 

step on the gas, break the winter and let's form a #Crocusarmy!




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The first week of April holds all the magic for you, babe - and that's no April Fool's joke! The best: This week benefits all Aries-born who live in a partnership (It feels like you just fell in love) and for those who just roam around solo (highest chance to meet that very special someone). So: be quick, get ready. Get ready for some new excitement coming your way, birthday baby.   



Taurus: GET UP

Aries energy hits you hard: Gone are the days of sitting around. At all Tauruses: GO OUT! Outside you will run directly into the arms of your luck. Jupiter meets Venus: That's your big chance. Full of verve and zest for action between the sheets – this can only become incredibly hot, dirty and ecstatic. Be open and let yourself go, then indescribable things will happen to you.  

Gemini: HAVE IT ALL  

Wow, basically all the stars are aligned behind you in the first half of April. Not only does that make you extremely confident, but it also makes you pretty darn attractive to others. Imperfections aren't real anyway. That's the vibe. With this attitude, everything is open to you this season in terms of pleasure. The passionate Aries takes you on his journey.


Be ready for some excitement from April 6 - it will really get wild from April 15. The completely headless, purely passion-driven devotion of Aries overtakes the Cancer-born this month. This means, don't always say 'no' right away, just because you don't know something. Small cosmic tip: a soft leather handcuff seems odd at first glance, but can bring new dimensions to your sex life. Start easy, enjoy the ride. 


One thing both the Aries and the Leo can do really well! Flirt! And what does a lion do in the Aries energy? That's right, he goes on the prowl. Your charisma is like Queen B's this month. Own it, show the world how fabulous you are. And erotically, you can grab ANYTHING you feel like at the moment. The Aries does not think about others, he does what he wants! 


This month, virgos get cosmic support when it comes to the ultimate pleasure gain. For all Virgos in a partnership this means: Make enough time for togetherness to spend it with crazy sextoys and energetic lovemaking. All lonely soldiers can be prepared to not be so alone this month, at least between the sheets. Be open, be ready.  


On April 6, Venus moves into the sign of Pisces, where Jupiter and Neptune are already waiting for it. This is a New Year's Eve constellation for your love life. Erotic adventures, including ecstatic climaxes, are on the cosmic buffet. Now you only have to seize the opportunity. Dare to try something different than you usually do this season. It will be worth it.


You'll have to wait until the 6th of April for the universe to unlock its doors to love paradise for you. You Scorpio babe have not experienced this much sensual passion in a long time. Your Venus is even getting ready for a possible relationship. It's worth patiently sitting out the initial slump, because afterwards a very special treat may be waiting for you.

Sagittarius: N*O*W

This Aries season, you'll find that you'll succeed even more than you already do. Aries and Saggitarius are the BFFs of the Zodiac and provide you with an extra dose of fire. In other words, it's going to be hot. No sensual massages on the menu this month, but rather a two-day sex marathon. Higher, bigger, further. The time is now! 


No matter what you want, no matter who you want. This month you have the energy that no one can say no to. You act, smell, taste like 'more' from every pore. Play with this attribute and make it your own. Seduce your secret crush: High black stockings, red soles, lingerie, an erotic tune. Make yourself even hotter - by doing a striptease. It's the season, babe. 


Sex does not always necessarily have to end with a climax. Who understands this better than an astrological sign as keen on the 'new' and 'improved' as Aquarius? This month is all about action, speed, frequency. Pioneering spirit. It's time to try new, wild, crazy things. What have you always dreamed of doing? Whatever it is, be honest and if it doesn't end orgasmic... so what? You will have had fun, that's what the stars promise. 

Pisces: ACTION ON 

Have you started the new year of your life well? Now you directly take up rapid speed, the universe serves you everything that is energetically strong and fast. Cuddly sex? Not this month. The vibrator with the turbo gear could make you happy. Find out for yourself what pleases you these weeks. The main thing is that it has action.

More about your Cosmic ID, Isi Dekeyser, here:

Meet Isi Dekeyser – Your Cosmic ID


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Die Autorin


Isabelle Dekeyser – oder auch Cosmic ID – ist deine Anlaufstelle für Sextrology, dein monatlich erscheinendes erotisches Horoskop.