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Wir sind "Hervorragend"

The nevernot

Code of Conduct

nevernot GmbH and the nevernot® brand (hereinafter referred to as "nevernot") make high-quality products whose manufacturing processes respect people and nature. This Code of Conduct serves as the basis for all business processes, decisions and relationships. 

The nevernot Code of Conduct does not stop in Germany or Europe - it applies to the entire world and concerns all nevernot employees as well as our production partners, logistics and other business partners who are part of the value chain. nevernot aims to constantly improve working conditions within the supply chain. Our Code of Conduct is based on the International Bill of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, its follow-up, and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Our goal is to respect the principles of this Code of Conducts while following the laws of each country in which we operate - especially when local laws compete with the guidelines and standards of this Code. So if local laws are of a lower standard than this Code, we continue to be guided by our own Code of Conduct. Within our supply chain, we are committed to the continuous improvement of human rights and environmental standards. Accordingly, we will continuously monitor, evaluate and, if necessary, adjust the human rights and environmental risks of our processes.


Anti child labour

We do not tolerate any form of child labour (as defined by ILO Conventions 138 and 182). Our employees must never be younger than 15 years of age. If the compulsory age for completing training is higher than 15 years according to local legislation, the higher age applies accordingly. Our suppliers must comply with the laws and regulations governing the employment of young workers, and young workers must not perform work that endangers their health or safety.


Anti forced labour

Within our supply chains and processes, we do not tolerate modern slavery, prison labour, forced labour or compulsory labour (as defined by ILO Conventions 29 and 105). Workers must only be employed on a voluntary basis. Our workers must not be threatened or subjected to any form of physical or psychological violence in the workplace. Practices such as the confiscation or withholding of identity documents or other valuable items are prohibited.


Anti discrimination

We do not tolerate any form of discrimination. The basis of every hiring and termination process, as well as nevernot's salary policy, is always under the principle of equality. All personnel decisions must be made objectively, regardless of gender, race, colour, nationality, religion, political affiliation, union membership, social origin, deficiencies or disabilities. Workers must never be discriminated against on the grounds of pregnancy or maternity leave.


Health and safety

All employees and workers within the nevernot supply chain must work in a safe and healthy working environment. We expect regular fire drills and appropriate training for workers to ensure health and safety standards in the workplace. Employers must provide necessary protective equipment and train their workers in its use. Access to clean sanitation and drinking water is a basic requirement for a healthy and safe working environment.


Freedom of assembly and association

All our employees and those of our business partners have the right to freedom of association and assembly (ILO Conventions 87 and 98). All employees may join or form a workers' organisation of their choice and engage in collective bargaining without fear of negative consequences. In countries where the right to freedom of association and assembly is restricted by law, workers may elect their own representatives and participate in negotiations. 


Working hours

Working hours must comply with the applicable laws. In any case, workers shall not be required to work more than 48 hours per week on a regular basis and shall be given at least one day off per seven-day period. Overtime must be voluntary, must not exceed 12 hours per week and must not be required on a regular basis (ILO Convention 1).

Living expenses

Wages paid for a normal working week must meet the minimum legal or industry requirements and be sufficient to meet the basic needs of the workers. Deductions from wages for disciplinary action are not permitted. Workers must be adequately and clearly informed about their wages, wage rates and the period of payment.

Legally binding employment contracts

No employment contracts may be drawn up that circumvent the labour or social security laws of the country concerned. In addition, apprentices, trainees, or interns must not be hired unless there is an intention to train them, provide them with skills or take them on long-term. We also give our workers the opportunity to participate in training programmes.



We place a strong focus on protecting and preserving the environment. Our business partners must adhere to written environmental standards that meet or exceed local environmental regulations. At the same time, they are committed to working to prevent and reduce environmental impacts. nevernot aims to work with suppliers who implement processes that minimise negative impacts on the environment.



Within the supply chain, transparency plays an important role for nevernot. All suppliers, including manufacturing and material suppliers, must share their production locations and details with us. Suppliers must inform nevernot about the use of subcontractors and provide necessary evidence. Suppliers must ensure that subcontractors are aware of and can comply with our Code of Conduct. 


Corruption and unethical behaviour

Active and passive corruption and unethical behaviour in any form will not be tolerated. All those who know of corruption or attempted corruption are obliged to inform their superiors or the relevant authorities. 

Implementation and control of the Code of Conduct

For us, it is important that the principles of our Code of Conduct do not only refer to one part of the value chain, but are implemented thoroughly.

We expect all our suppliers to:

• comply with these standards in their own operations

• endeavour to implement this Code of Conduct with their own suppliers and subcontractors

• make this Code available to all employees in their local language

We will support our suppliers in meeting these standards. Our goal is long-term improvement, starting today. Business relationships will only be terminated if a partner or supplier is unable or unwilling to comply with these standards and improve after a reasonable period of time.


We will regularly review the standards of the Code of Conduct and conduct unannounced tests as appropriate.


We specifically invite anyone with concerns or knowledge of violations of this Code to contact us - anonymously if you wish. You can submit questions and feedback at the following email address:


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