Meet Your Cosmic ID - your new contact point for Sextrology
Hello, my name is Isabelle and I'm not only the "butt" in the nevernot campaign, I'm also your new sextrologist.
From the magical island of Ibiza and monthly, I will be informing the nevernot community about the current transits of the planets and stars in order to enlighten you as best as possible about erotic constellations and opportunities.
But how?
The word astrology comes from the Greek and means science of stars. It is basically the art of reading the sky. Just as we learned to read and write, the language of the stars can also be learned. The astrology we use today dates back to 500 BC. – my path to astrology began about 2500 years later:
When I was almost in my mid-20s, a friend sent me to her astrologer, who, at the time, prophesied to me that an enormous love and erotic constellation would come my way in May of the following year. Since I was happy with my current relationship, I didn't want to hear his prophecy. Looking back, I can say he was right. In May 2014, my now husband came into my life. A few years later, another friend gave us birth charts for our sons. While we were listening to them, I fell in love with astrology. How could a strange person see the psychology of our children so clearly and make it even easier for me to understand them? It was clear to me: I have to learn this art! I read and studied on my own for many days and nights until I decided to start a professional training in psychological astrology. Here, at my very rapid pace – I am Sagittarius with both the ascendant and the moon in Aries, i.e. fire through and through – the entire basics of this complex subject area were brought to my attention.
To date, I have been able to advise many people not only privately, but also entire businesses, astrologically and through readings. I speak at events about the art of reading stars and give predictions about future trends. I also write both monthly columns and annual horoscopes for magazines and companies. I am super happy about the cooperation with nevernot and their focus on eroticism, which is extremely important for me.

For me, this part is essential because I am not satisfied with the sexual education of our generation. Little is educated about sex other than birth control. Hardly anything was taught about the different approaches to pleasure, the whole topic is socially hushed up with a lot of shame and it never gets the status that is actually so urgently needed. Young girls, in particular, need the chance to learn how to deal with their individual bodies in a healthy and pleasurable way.
For this reason too, I am grateful to Anna and Katha from nevernot for the work they are doing within this area. It's an honor to have been a fan and supporter of these two founders from day one. Be it at the very first nevernot event, where it was still a matter of finding a name and deciding on the color world, or the first photo campaign, for which I gladly gave my “ass”. I am super proud to be a part of this family that stands for modern thinking and against any kind of shaming.
I am convinced that sexuality is a profound tool for a fulfilled and balanced life.
The moment you are able to express yourself freely and shamelessly in bed, alone, with a partner or even with several, you will experience how it feels to stand in the power of your own magic.
I am passionate about supporting people and especially women in bringing them closer to their abilities, opportunities and challenges in life. Everyone has a diverse range of options.
We all have this one mission. It is my pleasure to bring you back into your power with the aim of being able to live a happy, balanced, and meaningful life. Let's tackle it together and let's create the change we do not only want to see within ouselves, but in the whole world.
If you like, I'm inviting you to become a part of my story and I will support you as much as possible in writing your own.
I'm looking forward to everything to come and I'm always available for your questions.
Let's get some good good lovin', you super babes!
Love and light,
Your Cosmic ID - Isabelle Dekeyser
Your Sextrology for the Scorpio Season: